We Live in the 21st Century!

Hilda Hashempour | Canada | 2007 | 4 mins

We Live in the 21st Century! Synopsis

An experimental film about the global pandemic of violence and discrimination against women in the 21st century.


About the Filmmaker

Hilda Hashempour is a mother, actress, and award winning filmmaker, who grew up in Iran. She began her professional journey with acting in feature films and working with prominent Iranian filmmakers. However, after years of discrimination due to her belief in the Baha’i faith, she decided to immigrate to Canada. There, she continued her education at Toronto Film School and began to explore her passion for storytelling as a director and writer. The shift from acting to film making taught her how to use images and sound, instead of her voice and body to express her artistic vision.

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Film Festival 2021.

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Film Festival Events Line-Up.

Thank you to our 2021 Festival Sponsors!

Women's Voices Now Film  Award Ceremony - April 25th at 12 PM PST.