Volunteers Need for In-Person Event

Event Date: Thursday, September 7th 4-10th

Location: UCLA, James Bridge Theater, Los Angeles, CA

Event Description: 

The Women’s Voices Now Film Festival is an annual global women’s rights documentary film festival supporting emerging women filmmakers creating films that drive global social change. This prize is named for the Founder of Women’s Voices Now, a Los Angeles-based art collector and dealer, as well as a visionary philanthropist. At this event, we will also mark the 10-year anniversary of Leslie’s passing and celebrate his legacy, which includes Women’s Voices Now. 

On September 7, 2023, we will be screening With This Breath I Fly (Afghanistan/UK/US), a feature-length documentary film by Directors Sam French and Clementine Malpas. Shot over ten years, With This Breath I Fl” follows two courageous Afghan women as they fight for their freedom against a patriarchal Afghan society determined to keep them bound to tribal culture while exposing the complicity of the European Union in censoring their voices, and how the international press – and this documentary – forever alters the course of their lives. This film is particularly timely as it coincides with the 2nd anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. Following the film, we will have a Q&A with one of the filmmakers and an Afghani storyteller/activist to understand better if and how we can still support the women of Afghanistan. 

All interested volunteers should sign up here

Event Set Up (2 People) – Help set up the event before guests arrive. We need tables decorated and organized, banners hung and sign in tables set up. 

Check-In Table (2 People) – Staff the check-in table as guests arrive to the event. This will take 1.5 hours max between 5-630pm. 

Swag/Donations Table (2 People) – Staff the swag table as guests arrive at the event and during the post-program reception. 

Event Clean Up (2 People) – Help clean up the event after the reception ends. Pack up swag table and other materials, break down step and repeat, pack materials into vehicles. 

Media Support Team (2 People) – These volunteers will support our Communications team in ensuring video footage is captured from the event and broadcasted on social media.