Mala Reputación (Bad Reputation).

A sex worker’s fight for labor rights and reinvention

About the Film:
Karina makes her living as a sex worker on the road and she is an outspoken activist. Now at the age of 45, and with her itinerant life, she begins to imagine life working in another field and she starts the way to organize her colleagues for their labor rights. Both challenges are difficult for a woman with a bad reputation.

Directed by Marta García & Sol Infante

Why Watch?

💼 Labor Justice: A rare look at sex workers’ grassroots activism
🔥 Defying Stigma: One woman’s journey to rewrite her future
🎬 Festival Official Selection: Featured in the 2025 Women’s Rights Film Festival

When, Where & Save

🗓️ Festival Dates: March 26 – April 25, 2025
📍 Location: Global Online Event
🎟️ Early-Bird Passes Now 30% Off! (Ends March 12, 2025)

Bad Reputation - Marta García, Sol Infante, Uruguay

Film Clips.

Film Stills.

Meet the Filmmakers.

Sol Infante and Marta García
Sol Infante (Left) and Marta García (Right) - Bad Reputation film

Join The Festival.

The most powerful films about women’s rights, all in one place. 

Now in our 11th year, this month-long online women’s rights documentary film festival gives an intimate glimpse into the most important challenges and successes of women from around the globe, and the filmmakers who are using the power of film to advance girls’ and women’s rights.

Our Mission.

Women’s Voices Now uses film to drive social change that advances women’s and girls’ rights globally.