Oscar Pistorius: 11 Years Later - Femicide Awareness and Gender Accountability.

In a development that deeply concerns advocates for girls and women’s rights, Oscar Pistorius, the renowned Paralympian, has recently been granted parole after serving nearly 11 years for the tragic murder of Reeva Steenkamp. As we approach this case through the lens of justice, femicide awareness, and gender-based accountability, critical questions emerge about the societal response to such egregious acts.
By Lamine Ascofaré
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Oscar Pistorius Parole 11 Years Later - Femicide Awareness and Gender Accountability

Examining the Legal Journey:

The legal trajectory of Oscar Pistorius prompts us to scrutinize the effectiveness of our legal system in addressing gender-based violence, particularly femicide. How does the 11-year sentence reflect our collective commitment to dismantling systems that perpetuate violence against women and girls?


Impact on the Steenkamp Family:

In solidarity with the Steenkamp family, we recognize the profound emotional impact of Reeva’s tragic death. June Steenkamp’s perspective serves as a poignant reminder of the perpetual challenges faced by families affected by femicide, urging us to amplify the voices of those who have lost loved ones to gender-based violence.


Oscar Pistorius Parole 11 Years Later - Femicide Awareness and Gender Accountability
Friends say Reeva Steenkamp was kind-hearted and ambitious. GETTY IMAGES


Societal Reflections:

The parole release of Oscar Pistorius raises broader societal concerns about femicide and the urgency to address the root causes of gender-based violence. As advocates, we question whether the parole decision sends a strong enough message about the consequences of femicide and if it aligns with our commitment to creating a safer world for women and girls.


Restorative Justice or Insufficient Punishment?:

Oscar Pistorius’s participation in a restorative justice meeting adds complexity to the narrative. While restorative justice seeks healing, we inquire whether it adequately addresses the urgent need for meaningful consequences and accountability in cases involving femicide.


Public Reaction and Discourse:

The diverse public reactions to Pistorius’s release underscore the need for ongoing discourse around femicide, its root causes, and the broader issues surrounding gender-based violence. Social media, op-eds, and public forums become critical spaces for raising awareness and shaping collective understanding.




As we navigate the complexities of Oscar Pistorius’s parole release, Women’s Voices underscores the critical need for justice, femicide awareness, and a society that actively works to dismantle systems that perpetuate violence against women. This case serves as a stark reminder of the urgent work required to create a world where femicide is unequivocally condemned, justice prevails, and the safety and dignity of women and girls are non-negotiable priorities.


Source: BBC News

Questions to Our Readers

In the wake of Oscar Pistorius’s parole release, how do you envision our collective role in creating a society that vehemently opposes femicide and ensures justice for victims? Share your thoughts on building a safer world for women and girls.

#EndFemicide #JusticeForWomen

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