
Ximena Amescua Cuenca | Mexico | 2015 | 24 mins

Juanita Synopsis

A glimpse into the everyday life of Juanita, a Mayan traditional doctor, midwife, nurse, and activist. The leader of The Awakening of Women who Heal, an organization of midwives in the Orient of Yucatan, Mexico. Juanita has dedicated her life to helping others with her gift for healing. The film follows Juanita as she redefines the meaning of modern and traditional medicine practices.

Juanita was an official selection of the 2017 WVN Online Film Festival.

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My film is narrated by a Mayan Mexican single mother, who has overcome domestic violence through resilience and through her vocation for midwifery and healing using traditional indigenous practices. Her will to better herself has led her to seek education and support from groups that have informed and supported her in her career and during her trajectory of becoming the leader of her own organization of Mayan midwives.

The organization focuses on providing healthcare education, and midwifery practices to indigenous women who live in communities around the area of where Juanita is from: Chemax, Yucatan. As an organization, the women provide workshops to address the high rate of domestic violence in their communities and provide them with a safe space and tools for empowerment.

Juanita is an example of a passionate, dedicated and strong woman, who overcomes obstacles and sees them as opportunities to become a better person in the service of others, especially women.

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EVENT: Real Rights, Reel Change with EngenderHealth - West Hollywood, LA at Silver Screen Theater - May 8th, 6PM - 9PM, PDT