Mujeres Fuertes (Strong Women) Synopsis
Mujeres Fuertes (Strong Women) is a documentary about self-defense, personal power, and freedom. It was produced with the goal of educating audiences about the violence prevention tools we share and inspiring people to live with courage and confidence.
About the Filmmakers

Toby Israel (Producer) is the founder of Mujeres Fuertes Autodefensa (Women Empowered Self-Defense), a social enterprise dedicated to providing holistic self-defense and empowerment training across Costa Rica, and beyond. She is the producer of the Mujeres Fuertes Documentary and an advocate for self-defense as a pathway to greater freedom, connection, and joy.

Karina Elizondo (Director) is a communications and content professional committed to using her work to make a positive impact. She utilizes her experience in videography, audio production, and photography to craft compelling narratives that capture attention. Through her work, she hopes to contribute to the fight for gender equality and environmental sustainability.
More From the Filmmaker
Learn more about our violence prevention work and join the movement here:
Key Roles / Shout Outs
Producer: Toby Israel
Editor: Anastasia Molina Ross
IG/FB – @mujeresfuertescostarica