Girls' Voices Now Films.

Girls' Voices Now Films premiere screening

Our youth development program empowers the next generation of youth from under-resourced communities to find, develop, and use their voice for social change through filmmaking.

2023 Girls' Voices Now Films

Roses Through the Cracks

The Beauty in Being Different

Work in Progress

Rose Colored Glasses

2022 Girls' Voices Now Films

Hija Callada (The Silent Daughter)

The Bloody Truth: A look into period poverty


Schedule for Change

2021 Girls' Voices Now Films

The Reflection on My Screen

Underaged Oversexualized

Your Body is Yours

Domino Effect

The World Through Our Eyes

2020 Girls' Voices Now Films

Through Her Eyes

A Letter to You

Limitless: The Struggles of Women in STEM

Undefined Beauty

She Can’t Control Herself

2019 Girls' Voices Now Films

Onyi: The Path to Finding Me

not Quite Here, not Quite There

She’s Got game

2018 Girls' Voices Now Films

Under The Scarf

Everywhere We Go

Throwing Shade(s)

Our 2018 films were made in collaboration with GlobalGirl Media.